Wednesday, September 12, 2012

1. Saxony-Anhalt

1.1 Saxony-Anhalt is bordered by Brandenburg in the nottheast, Saxony and Thuringia in the south and Lower Saxony in the northwest.
It has a population of 2.34 million people, as of 2010.
Anhalt's size is 20,445 sq. km

1.2 Anhalt's economy nearly collapsed in 1990. Since then, their economy has transformed into a modern market economy. Today, Saxony-Anhalt has the lowest rate of unemployment throuighout Germany.
The main industrial sources of revenue in Saxony-Anhalt are: Chemical plants, wind farms, and farming, due to their extremely abundent soil.
Saxony-Anhalt has numerous trade partners around the woeld, due to their dealings with chemical plants and farming.

1.3 Saxony-Anhalt offers a unique geography. There are vast plains, tall mountains, numberous vinyards, and also rural and metropolitain cities.
The biggest cities are: Magdeburg, which is the capital city, and Halle.
Some smaller cities are: Altmark, and its bordering cities.

1.5 Saxony-Anhalt joined the federal republic in the year 1990. Before 1948, Anhalt was ruled by the US Army, as well as the Soviet Union.
Saxony-Anhalt was named after Anhalt Castle, which is near Hazgerode. The origins of the naming of the castle remain unknown.

2. Saxony-Anhalt offers a very old fashioned and unique architecture. There are old cathedrals and monuments which use a more Gothic type of architecture.The Cathedral of Magdeburg, and the market places of both Halle and Wittenburg were among the most impressive looking building structures that I found.
One thing that I found interesting about their local customs is their religion. The religion is mainly Luthern, but under a Communist rule. Due to this rule, more people are leaving churches rather than attending them. As of 2010, over 80% of the population no longer attended church in Saxony-Anhalt.
The most famous person from Anhalt, is Martin Luther. Mathin Luther founded the Luthern belief, which he based off of Christianity.
Hugo Junkers is also another famous man from Anhalt.

3. The resources used in this blog were:

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